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AlzRisk Paper Detail

Reference: Ronnemaa, 2008
Cohort: Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men
Risk Factor: Diabetes Mellitus

Average Follow-up Time Detail
The incident cohort was made up of the 2269 non-demented 50 year olds who had baseline blood glucose data. Cognitive testing was done three times over the follow-up period: at age 70 (n = 999 returning participants), at age 77 (n = 804), and at age 82 (n = 523).

The median follow-up time reported was 32 years. The mean follow-up time, calculated from reported total person-time of observation, was 25.9 years.

Exposure Detail
The exposure was fasting blood glucose (mmol/L), measured via spectrophotometry, using the glucose oxidase method.

Ethnicity Detail
No race or ethnicity information was provided in the report. According to a description of the cohort , nearly all the members of the original cohort were Caucasian.

Screening and Diagnosis Detail
Screening Method:
7MS7 Minute Screen (Solomon 1998)
MMSEMini-Mental State Examination (Folstein 1975)
TMTTrail Making Test (Reitan 1958)

AD Diagnosis:
DSM IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV
NINCDS ADRDA National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Diseases and Stroke/Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association Criteria (McKhann 1984)

Total dementia definition:
Defined as 'any dementia or cognitive impairment'.

The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Trail Making Test (TMT), and a Swedish version of the 7 Minute Screen (7MS) were administered as screening tests. Individuals with low scores were referred to the geriatric memory clinic for further follow-up. The MMSE and TMT were administered for screenings at ages 71 and 77, while the MMSE and the Swedish 7MS were administered for screenings at age 82.

"The diagnoses of dementia were assigned by two experienced geriatricians independently of each other. In case of disagreement, a third experienced geriatrician reviewed the case and the diagnosis was determined by majority decision. AD was diagnosed according to the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Diseases and Stroke and the AD and Related Disorders Association criteria and the criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition."

Covariates & Analysis Detail
Analysis Type:
Cox proportional hazards regression

AD Covariates:
BMIbody mass index
SMsmoking status
SBPsystolic blood pressure
TCtotal cholesterol

TD Covariates:
BMIbody mass index
SMsmoking status
SBPsystolic blood pressure
TCtotal cholesterol