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AlzRisk Cohort Detail

Cohort: Manitoba Study of Health and Aging
Risk Factors:

Introduction to the Cohort
Investigators for the Manitoba Study of Health and Aging (MSHA) administered baseline interviews to 1763 participants in 1991-1992 and completed a single follow-up interview in 1996-1997. Participants were recruited from a stratified random sample of Manitoba residents ages 65 and older, with residents over the age of 75 purposefully oversampled.

This is a parallel study to the Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA), and is similar in design, data collection and diagnosis procedures. There is some overlap in the two studies in terms of the samples studied: approximately 25% subjects in the MSHA are also included in the CSHA. However, the sampling for the MSHA focused more broadly across the entire province of Manitoba, including rural farm areas, villages, towns and smaller cities. In comparison, the CSHA sampled from two urban centres and their environs only.

Ethnicity Breakdown
All participants were residents of Manitoba, Canada.

Diagnosis & Evaluation Methods
For a detailed description, see Tyas et al. 2001.

Tyas SL, Manfreda J, Strain LA, Montgomery PR. Risk factors for Alzheimer's disease: a population-based, longitudinal study in Manitoba, Canada. Int J Epidemiol. 2001 Jun;30(3):590-597.